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About the Website


The goal of this website is to present art portfolios in another light rather than how portfolios are currently seen in the industry. The focus on creating a collection in order to share the artist's strengths towards employers undermines what an art portfolio can do for the self. Having a collage of past works is a beneficial way to analyze, reflect, and plan out their next course of action on improving; transforming it to be goal driven.

In addition to the purpose of an art portfolio, the website was also used to bring light of terms that resources often use when guiding upcoming artists creating their first collection. There is an emphasis around originality, versatility, and artistic journey throughout available online databases. However, these resources would briefly mention them and not go into depth for artists to understand. After researching and understanding how these components are involved in a piece, the next step was to find a way in sharing these information for other newcomer entering the field.



My name is Carter Kurashima. I am a graduate of University of Hawaii - West Oahu, majoring in Creative Media with a concentration around General Creative Media. Being involved in the Graphic Design pathway from Kapolei High School inspired me to explore how impactful designs can be from just a quick look from a passerby. After graduating from Spring of 2019, I set my eyes on diving more into the world of design through the resources available at West Oahu. Enrolling in this academy has opened my eyes to many conventions and placement hierarchy in design and other forms of media.

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